

When you're in a decent enough mood, the last thing you want to do is pop in a Sarah McLachlan CD. I love her. The woman is a goddess. She's written some of the most amazing lyrics ever. She's gorgeous. Her voice...ahhh...that voice is orgasmic. Truly, she's a goddess...but she's full of it.

Angst, that is.

I'm lost to those I thought were friends
to everyone I know
They turn their heads, embarrassed
pretend that they don't see
and it's one misstep one slip before you know it
and there doesn't seem to be a way to be redeemed

Okay, what's that about? And why does it make perfect sense to me?

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go listen to *NSYNC or some similar sort of bubble-bum-fluffanuttah music or I'll be up all night wondering if I should deny rage and cage tears.


Blogger Momma Star said...

I hear ya.



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