
do you want jimmies on that?

Lemony Child: I fixed the dog's seatbelt. Now she's stuck.

Lemony Mum: That wasn't very nice, LC.

Lemony Child: I'll fix it.

Lemony Mum: Leave it alone.

Lemony Child: I said I'd fix it.

Lemony Mum: And I said leave it alone.

LC: I'll fix it.

LM: Leave it alone.

LC: Mum. I'll fix it.

LM: Leave it alone.

LC: But I can fix it.

LM: If you touch it again you're going to bed as soon as we get home. I told you to leave it alone, oh, six hundred times.

LC: I don't think you told me six hundred times. Maybe two hundred, but not six hundred. And anyway, I'll fix it.

LM: Leave it alone.

LC: TWO HUNDRED AND ONE! You said it two hundred and one times! My evil plan has worked! I'm a genius!

LM: Your evil plan?

LC: Yeah. Can I have ice cream?

LM: No.

LC: Don't you think you should reward my evil genius?

LM: No.

LC: Well that's just wrong. What's the point in being evil and a genius without the mocha chip?


Blogger Unknown said...

You can tell Lemon Child that her evil geniu... um... geni-osity will shortly be rewarded by a bird photo arriving in the mail.

I *finally* sent it today!

I know, I suck for taking so long.


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