
the banana has a penis

This child, she is mine. If you're wondering why I chose this particular picture...and no, it's not to show off my ever-expanding ass...I'll tell you. She talks. A lot. All the time, even.

Jibber. Jabber. Blather. Bother. She never. SHUTS. up.

She's one hell of a funny kid, though, so when I'm not tuning her out (did I mention she never shuts up??) I'm usually trying to stifle a giggle or two.

Lemony Mum: Hey, Lemony Child, what do you think of taking a bath and getting some jammies on?
Lemony Child: I think, Lemony Mum, that now would be a very bad time for such silliness. I mean, I am trying stand on my head.

And this:

Lemony Child: Oh, my garlic and muffins! The banana has a PENIS!

Okay, so maybe she's more of an odd duck than she is funny, but hey, she does have a Lemony Mum to keep up with.


Blogger josetteplank.com said...

Your azz, my darling, is gorgeous. That you for that sneak peek.

And Little Miss Lemony is a pistol, lol! I know where she gets it from.

Blogger Unknown said...

"Oh, my garlic and muffins!" is a phrase that -- should I ever hear it live from either Lemon (and I sincerely hope I do someday) -- will cause me to giggle until I fall off my chair.

I find myself repeating the phrase in my head. Especially while driving.


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