

I feel like I should post something today but I don't know which something I should post. What topic to cover...hmmm...should it be:

My complete and utter disgust with the current resident of The White House and his puppet master?

My excitement about the great seats we scored for tonight's Sox game?

My dog catching and then proceeding to chomp the tail from the tushie of the wayward bunny who had the misfortune of wandering into our backyard out here in Quiet Village? (bunny chompings never occurred when we lived in Quiet Village Not)

Speaking of Quiet Village Not, maybe I should discuss my loathing of Quiet Village?

The fact that it's lunch time and I'm still in my pj's?



Motivation. Muse. Missing.


Blogger Om.powered said...

Howzabout a few words about said poochie nipping at the tushie of said puppet-master and/or his wrist-rider?



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