
happy 2006

Happy New Year, everybody. I wish joy and peace and happiness to you all.

I'm fun like that.

I'm a bit addled on butterscotch schnapps, but here's the thing...12/11 came and went and I didn't write a word about it because I just couldn't do it and of course now I want to. And I can't. Because of butterscotch schnapps.


Today is his birthday. Maybe it's better to celebrate that.


Blogger Om.powered said...

In my humble opinion, I think it's best to celebrate the joys and make peace with the sorrows.

Happy birthday wishes - bobbing and weaving through the quarks and black holes and galaxies - floating out to a most beautiful entity. I am saddened that I did not know you personally in this lifetime, but I am fortunate to be touched by your presence as channeled by one of the more beautiful souls I am lucky enough to love.

Perhaps next time, then. I can only hope the tutu makes a reappearance.



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