
and then she came back to earth

Lemony Teen is a flyer. This basically means that she dons a really short skirt and a skin-tight blue turtleneck tucked under a red, white, and blue halter and lets similarly dressed girls throw her. Into the air. Really, really HIGH.

At a competition, which Miss Lemony Thang told me was a Very Important Competition, the child climbed up onto the thighs of three squatting girls. With an odd little bumping motion, they flipped her into the palms of their hands, where they balanced her for a very brief moment before suddenly, with all of their strength, tossing her. Into the air. Really, really HIGH.

The child hovered twenty feet in the air, struck a pose, did a straddle, touched her toes, and then FLUNG herself backwards before plummeting down like a rock thrown from a very tall building.

I barely breathed the entire time, waiting...watching...her fall...

And then, like it was the easiest thing you could ever imagine doing, those three girls snatched her from the brink of catastrophe, and bounced her gently to the ground, where she landed perfectly on two feet, arms high over her head, ponytail bouncing, brilliant smile on her beautifully flushed face.

She? Was thrilled.

I? Was nauseous.


Blogger Om.powered said...

I? Am nauseous just considering it.




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