
ouch whine sob

My tooth? The one that just had a root canal and is waiting for the crown? Let's just say either the dentist did a shitty job or the tooth is trying to tell me something.

Now, I don't know what the tooth is trying to say, but I can tell you what I'm saying...MY %^&(@#* TOOTH HURTS!!!!

Seriously. I want to cry. In fact, I am crying.


800 mgs of Motrin didn't make a dent, so I piggybacked Tylenol.

Yeah, that didn't work, either.

I'm eyeing the Alleve bottle in Mr. Lemony's medicine cabinet, but I'm thinking my liver may not approve.

The dentist can't see me until tomorrow.

In the meantime I'm considering taking an ice skate blade and a giant rock to my mouth, you know, like Tom Hanks in Castaway.

MY $&%*^#@ TOOTH HURTS!!


Blogger Momma Star said...

Ouch. Hope it's first thing in the morning when they can see you.


Blogger Mama Kelly said...

oh dear!!!!

you poor thing you have to be just plain miserable

i hope you feel much better after getting in to see the dentist

Blogger lemony said...

Thanks, guys. A shot of novacaine, some poking and prodding, and a 'script for Vicodin and I'm good to go.



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