what do you say?
I haven't exactly been in a blogging place lately. I'd like to blame being busy...I have 3 kids, a dog, a volunteer job I love, a governor's campaign to canvass for, a mother who is ridiculously needy lately and an elementary school book fair to coordinate...but here's the thing: the two youngest Lemons are tucked away upstairs by 8:30 every night and the teen is self-sufficient enough to read her own bedtime story and brush her teeth without supervision, so I get plenty of Park Your Ass On the Couch time in the evenings.
Unfortunately, by the time I do Park My ever-expanding Ass On the Couch I'm too tired to do much more than whine at Mr. Lemony about his remote control habits and have a chat with the shining star girl.
Oh, and writer's block sucks.
Mostly I'm just lazy.
So what do you say when you're in a slump and wondering if this blogging thing is even worth it and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, somebody you think is amazing and talented and just plain cool gives you a Perfect Post Award?
I'll tell you what I'd say.
Thank you. I am humbled. I will try harder to be better and to be worthy.
Unfortunately, by the time I do Park My ever-expanding Ass On the Couch I'm too tired to do much more than whine at Mr. Lemony about his remote control habits and have a chat with the shining star girl.
Oh, and writer's block sucks.
Mostly I'm just lazy.
So what do you say when you're in a slump and wondering if this blogging thing is even worth it and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, somebody you think is amazing and talented and just plain cool gives you a Perfect Post Award?
I'll tell you what I'd say.
Thank you. I am humbled. I will try harder to be better and to be worthy.
We all feel like this sometimes. It passes...I promise.
You are worthy, sweet lemony one. My mother is coming from PR next week - I'll tell her to bring Ivan and your muse along. I hope you are enjoying the October celebrations.
Don't be down on yourself- it happens to all of us. I still love checking your blog out and don't ever see that changing!
you are always worthy; you are my writing hero. i know your muse will return from vacation soon, sometimes life with all of these kids in different age groups going all directions is enough to drive us to drink, so enjoy that drink and that time "just being" - your writing will be even richer for it, i know it.
p.s. congrats on the perfect post!
You should consider buying Maggie's book! I ordered one, but it hasn't yet arrived. It might help with the block. It might not, but it it's anything like her blog, it's sure to be a funny read. http://mightygirl.net/shop
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