
good news bad news

The good news is I found a dime. A really old, turning green dime. This is good news because I'm going to be needing some spare cash.

Why will I be needing some spare cash? Bad news! I broke the sink! Yep. See? I really did.

How you ask?


I opened the cabinet above the sink to get my most favorite eyeliner (color: mushroom) and before I could say LOOK OUT! a container of vanilla spice body butter plunged to its death.

The sink never saw it coming.

The dime was discovered stuck under the broken pieces. It was either cowering in fear or rejoicing over being freed from the depths of hell that is my bathroom vanity. I couldn't really tell with all the yelling.

(omigawd look OUT it's a flying vat of butter and it's trying to give me a skull fracture omigawd look OUT it's flying pieces of ceramic and they're trying to impale my face omigawd the sink is BROKEN and DAMN it there's glass IN MY HEEL somebody find a BROOM!)

So, yeah, I broke the sink. But I found a dime! Think'll it'll buy me a new sink?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't.stop.laughing. still love me?

Blogger Imzadi said...

Wow that must have been one fierce vat of buttah. Like some kind of vanilla scented NINJA body butter of death to deal that much damage. Geez coulda poked someone's eye out.

Blogger Jennifer said...

Eek, that must have been a hard fall! Yikes! Can you glue it back on there? (Sorry if this is a stupid question, I truly know NOTHING about fixing shit! LOL!!)

Blogger Om.powered said...

Aw...HELL with the sink. It could have fallen on your foot!

A new sink? ANY nickel-and-dime (lucky for you, eh?) hardware store carries new sinks.

YOU, mon petit pois doux, are positively IRreplaceable.


Blogger Julie Pippert said...

That's some impressive body butter. Does this mean it is impressive enough to cure dry skin as well as crack sinks? If so, that's good news, although the sink is bad news.

Blogger jouettelove said...

you make me laugh. and thanks for the eyeliner link, how did you know i was desperate for some? i'm trusting you on this one, baby.
i see bigger and better sinks in your future.


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