
you're a what?

I just had a conversation with my friend's two-year-old daughter, Lucy. It went something like this:

Me: Ooooo, Lucy, look at you all dressed up! Are you a chicken?
Lucy: No! I am FUCK!
Me: Uh...
Lucy: FUH-UCK!
Lucy's mother: Duck! She means duck! She's a fucking duck! DUCK!
Lucy: Yeah. Fuck. Quack.

Happy Halloween!



Five-year-old screaming tantrum and cranky dad make for some pretty extreme fireworks in Lemony Villa.



yawn part two

It is two in the morning and I'm exhausted.

Why am I not in bed?

It is two in the morning.

What are you doing?


what do you say?

I haven't exactly been in a blogging place lately. I'd like to blame being busy...I have 3 kids, a dog, a volunteer job I love, a governor's campaign to canvass for, a mother who is ridiculously needy lately and an elementary school book fair to coordinate...but here's the thing: the two youngest Lemons are tucked away upstairs by 8:30 every night and the teen is self-sufficient enough to read her own bedtime story and brush her teeth without supervision, so I get plenty of Park Your Ass On the Couch time in the evenings.

Unfortunately, by the time I do Park My ever-expanding Ass On the Couch I'm too tired to do much more than whine at Mr. Lemony about his remote control habits and have a chat with the shining star girl.

Oh, and writer's block sucks.

Mostly I'm just lazy.

So what do you say when you're in a slump and wondering if this blogging thing is even worth it and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, somebody you think is amazing and talented and just plain cool gives you a Perfect Post Award?

I'll tell you what I'd say.

Thank you. I am humbled. I will try harder to be better and to be worthy.